Bakat fodelsedags tarta och ZARA i UG.
I hate that I let you down . . .
But I never meant to hurt you
I know it's time that I learned to
Treat the people I love like I wanna be loved
This is a lesson learned
I hate that I let you down
And I feel so bad about it
I guess karma comes back around
'Cause now I'm the one that's hurting, yeah
And I hate that I made you think
That the trust we had is broken
Don't tell me you can't forgive me
'Cause nobody's perfect
No, no, no, no, no, no, no, nobody's perfect, no
If I could turn back the hands of time
I swear I never would've crossed that line
I should of kept it between us
But, no, I went and told the whole world how I feel and oh
So I sit and I realize
With these tears falling from my eyes
I gotta change if I wanna keep you forever
I promise that I'm gonna try
But I never meant to hurt you
I know it's time that I learned to
Treat the people I love like I wanna be loved
This is a lesson learned
I hate that I let you down
And I feel so bad about it
I guess karma comes back around
'Cause now I'm the one that's hurting, yeah
And I hate that I made you think
That the trust we had is broken
So don't tell me you can't forgive me
'Cause nobody's perfect
No, no, no, no, no, no, no, nobody's perfect
I'm not a saint, no, not at all, but what I did, it wasn't cool
But I swear that I'll never do that again to you, oh
I'm not a saint, no, not at all, but what I did, it wasn't cool
But I swear that I'll never do that again to you, yeah
I hate that I let you down
And I feel so bad about it
I guess karma comes back around
'Cause now I'm the one that's hurting, yeah
And I hate that I made you think
That the trust we had is broken
So don't tell me you can't forgive me
'Cause nobody's perfect, no
I hate that I let you down
And I feel so bad about it
I guess karma comes back around
'Cause now I'm the one that's hurting, yeah
And I hate that I made you think
That the trust we had is broken
So tell me you can forgive me
'Cause nobody's perfect, yeah, yeah, whoa
Don't tell me, don't tell
Don't tell me you can't forgive me
No, no, no, no
'Cause nobody's perfect, no
Sweden, Part 1
Quick update! I went to Sweden and then Murphy came and visited :) Some pictures!
Me and Pernilla picked Murphy up from the airport. Then we drove to my brothers place. Had a sleep because Murphy had been up all night since his flight was very early. After the rest we went to 'Pendeln' in to Gothenburg. We took the tram to Haga and went to a restaurant called 'sjobaren'. I do not like sea food but M loves it! I had some delicious pasta veggie and he had some pasta with shrimps. Yummie!
After this we had a look in the pittoresque shops in Haga. Then we took pendel again to Liseberg where we went up in Gothia tower in 23rd Heaven and had lovely drinks.
It was long and exciting day! We headed back to my brothers after the drink where he had made amazing dinner with moose steak and potatoes with lovely sauce. Unfortunately we enjoyed ourselves too much so we forgot to take pictures! The next day we went to Uddevalla, my hometown. We had a meal at Harrys. And we saw where I took acting classes for about eight years every week. And Murphy saw the school I went to when I was 15-18 (gymnasium), Agneberg. We took a drive to Gustafsberg by the water...
In Uni
I have tonsillitis again, do not need a doctor to tell me that, just prescribe me some antibiotica. Probably need to go emergency room. Anyways... a poem for you.
I do not mean to hurt you
I do not mean to shout
I do things differently that all thats about
I do not mean you harm in any way
I just want to get through with my sorry and say
I am different from what you know
I am trying my hardest to let you know
I love you I do
My feelings are true
Sorry for shouting sorry for harm
Just want to have you in my arms
The sky is grey today
but when you say you love me
it suddenly turns blue with pinkish shade
a sunset of meaning a hero to save
Love you M_R_H_
I am so tired!
Ok so about the whole breadbaking. It did not turn out so well, the bread did not cook properly, had it in oven for an hour and it was still dough inside but burning on the outside. ANyone knows why? I think it could have been because of the yeast so now I have bought 2 different ones to try it out with. Later in the week though! And the cupcakes... i have just been too busy. As you all know the carneval have just been and we went on monday. It was so many people, too much, I felt a bit faint. But food was yummie so felt better after nigerian chicken and rice and for dessert a banana split :P
Yesterday I worked at my new nannyjob, it went quite good. Baby did not cry and everything went quite well. :) Going there on monday and tuesday next week. As well I got paid from spo rtsdirect, shitty money! Omg How much tax must they have taken out?! Crazy so dont know about that would like to have a payslip.
Now I am working at my university job in the callcenter. Today after work Im going with my pregnant friend mejjah to look for a simple wedding like dress in westfields as she is soon getting married (although the official wedding will be next year.) SO happy for them! Mejjah was with me the first night when I met Murphy :)
OK I was trying to get pictures of the apartment from my hotmail but it was taking too long so will try a bit later...
have a nice day!
And so it was thursday.
Ok so I asked my boss about friday again and she said it was ok that I took it off. I really needed that! I went to the library yesterday and put my head down at the table in the silent room. I fell asleep for 20 minutes and when I woke up there was a small puddle on the table of my drewl. Euw! Haha funny though, was proper tired. After this little happening I did some more reading and went to the computer room and started writing. Need to do more writing at home today but probably that will be at home because computer room was noisy and I have all my research done anyway.
Right now I am working at the call center again and it is not busy. It is very slow I must say (write). I am starting to get hungry so will probably get off to lunch in 30 minutes.
Sandra - Happy you enjoy it! Yes I will put pictures up, will do it this weekend.
ALso I have been browsing the internet for cupcakes, found so many amazing cupcakes!
Ok just remember mine ones wont look like this, not to a start anyway :)
Faith is taking the first step even when you don't see the whole staircase.
Martin Luther King, Jr.
Hello I am writing in english (dedicated to Sophia Carter, no she is not dead)
This saturday I will have a nice sleepin. On sunday I am working two hours for my new nannyjob so I can get to know the little baby more(3-5pm). On sunday im working some hours as well but dont know yet what time. Sunday the Notting Hill Carnival starts (it is also on monday) and of course we have to visit that.
A note for saturday as well... was going to learn how to bake bread and maybe cupcakes as well ;) Hope Mallan wants to teach me!! Cant wait!!! Oh Magda thanks for the encouraging text study song! It helped!
Success is the sum of small efforts, repeated day in and day out.
Robert Collier
Ja du
Har iaf fatt ett nytt jobb, ett nannyjobb! ska arbeta med 2 sma flickor jatttenara dar jag bor. 2 dar i veckan. det var mallans flatmate Josefin som tipsa dem om mig .. ska jobba dar i fem veckor o borjar i september sen kanske det kan bli forlangt beroende pa om mamman far jobb. hoppas det!
Jo sa har man massa saker att gora men ingen lust. Nu har jag iaf fixat discount pa counciltax at oss. och ar pa universitet nu o ska plugga lite. emphasis on lite! haha nej men jag ar sa svar startad. Sa blir man arg pa sig sjalv ocksa for att man inte tar tummen ur roven rent ut sagt. kanns som att bestiga ett berg. men aven med det tar man val ett steg i taget. . .
ska skriva en uppsats om working memory investigating the wordlength effect. oj va roligt.
vill kopA MASSA saker, vill vara valtranad, vill aka pa semester o bli brun!
Men ska vara tacksam for har en jattefin lagenhet o bo i och en jattebra pojkvan. och har massa jobb (tre olika nu) sedan borjar universitet snart igen... what else... har en underbar familj som saknar massa...
svart att komma pa mer saker for idag ar jag Miss otacksam.
ska iaf pa en bra film ikvall: Day and Knight.
ja sa ar det Ramahdan ocksa, stackars murphy far ej ata forran sent ikvall, han va uppe vid fyra o att agg som frukost imorse. jaja om ngn laser detta lamna garna ngn fin kommentar ! puss puss
Update <3
Idag träffa jag mallan o hon lagade mat åt mig jättegott :)
Sedan åkte jag hem och Murphy kom hit efter jobbet o jag lagade mat: ris m kyckling o grönsaker m tomatsås krydd blandning.vem har sagt att jag inte kan laga mat. gott juee!
Sedan kollade vi på lägenheterna och sedan skulle han hem för han har ju jobb imorgon. Nu kollar jag på 16&pregnant, sedan ska jag se på The Hills och The city =D YEY!!
The best pictures of my darling :)
Skriver pa en uppsats pa universitet
Var inne pa Lunarstorm precis hehe :) har kvar mitt konto dar faktiskt! Bara for att jag har min dagbok dar sedan jag gick i nionde klass. Men hittade iaf massa bilder pa mig och Linda sa tankte lagga upp dem nu:
Pa semester
i Bulgarien, Sunny Beach. jag, sus, Li, Sandra I London! My 18thbday pa GG! Balen!
De kanske inte riktigt ar i ratt ordning men! =D
Ja annars sitter jag mest och drommer om ett framtida hem tillsammans med min pojkvan, efter sommaren flyttar vi ihop! Jippi! Sa kul ska det bli! Love Murphy :P Kan knappt vanta tills vi aker till IKEA och inhandlar nya grejjor.Var dar for ett tag sedan med han och min brors frus syster Pernilla som ar 19 och nyss flyttat till London och arbetar som au pair. Nostalgi! Och i helgen var vi hemma hos min pojkvan och lagade svenska kottbullar tillsammans. Ska lagga upp kort pa dem i nasta inlagg da jag inte ar hemma.
Langtar till solen ocksa. Forhoppningsvis ska jag och Murphy utomlands i sommar. Annars sa ska vi resa runt hela England. Ta en buss pa helgen och bara aka ngnstans, eftersom jag inte ens varit utanfor London (shame!). Vill ju se andra stallen. Vill aka till Brighton, Leicester, Edinborough, Cardiff m.m.
Sa kan det nog bli inplanerat Thorpe Park snart ocksa. De oppnar ju i April och har nyss fatt en ride som ar baserad pa The Saw, maste testa! Thorpe park ska ju vara skitstort sa vill verkligen dit ;)
Men nu gott folk maste jag fortsatta pa min uppsats!
Ingen data..thats why i have not updated!
Bilsen nedan ar sa haftig just for att scenen blev helt plotsligt 'vatten' och de akte i en bat och levande ljus overallt. vackert!
To sum it up man borde ga pa musikal mer!!
Annars vad har hant... ? Var ute i onsdags me tjejerna. forst var vi pa ett stalle som heter collections i south kensington, katherine kanner agaren. sedan tog vi en taxi till jalous. det var kul!
puss puss
Konstig blogg
Anyways . . . Har jobbat i tre dagar för universitet. Ska gå till skolan imorrn dock och ha föreläsningar... alltså lyssna på dem inte ha dem själv, mohaha. På lördag ska jag gå en slags träning för mentoring scheme. Ska börja ha vägledning för tonåringar typ 5 st varannan vecka. Blir nog kul! Bra jobberfarenhet med. Jo imorgon kväll ska jag sitta barnvakt också. yey!
Nu är jag så hungrig! Ska laga mat... men vet inte vad jag vill äta. hmm svårt! Anyways thats life.
På söndag är jag ledig..yey finally! Och så ska jag väl kanske va ledig tre dagar nästa vecka med men dem ska jag använda för att plugga! Plugga jättemkt. Have to!
Så det är allt gott folk! Så ser mitt schema ut....
Puss puss